Friday, 16 May 2014

And now the work begins...

Several pallets and three great window frames 'rescued' this week along with a 55 gallon oil drum. Grass cutting and weed clearing started but taking it easy as I know if I push too hard I'll end up injuring myself and then not be able to do much. Slow and steady wins the race.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

I've got it covered

After this weekend's weed-killing and covering in weed suppressant membrane, I went up to check that it was all still in one piece....success!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Preparing the plot

Spent an hour last night uncovering a couple of patches that had been covered with plastic sheeting and moving stones off the plot in preparation for today's spraying of glyphosate weedkiller. I don't normally agree with using weedkiller but there's a lot of horsetail that needs eradicating.