Sunday, 26 April 2015


Only two of the four eggs hatched but they've grown very quickly...this time last week they were still blind and only had little bits of fluffy down covering their naked bodies

(Edit: By 29th April, both birds had fledged and had left the nest. One was seen on the compost heap and the other in the rose bordering my plot. The two un-hatched eggs could not be found.)

Signs of Spring

 Now that the vegetable bed has been dug, leveled and raked, it's time to start planting...

Apple blossom

The asparagus shoots are beginning to's a shame I can't pick any until next year.

Mixed lettuce and shallots at the far end with rainbow chard in the nearest cloches.

Gooseberry bushes in full bloom

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter Eggs

A Blackbird has decided to build a nest in my compost heap. If I'm quick, she'll stay on the nest but if I have to open both covers, she quickly hops off and returns as soon as I've retreated.