Monday, 25 May 2015


A pretty scary scarecrow...even if I say so myself.

The design for the scarecrow needed a bit of modifying as the central section was too weak. However, a six foot metal pole to support it appears to have done the trick.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Planting time mid-May

Looking West towards the compost heap

Vegetable patch looking North

Mixed lettuces and shallots are coming along nicely

Gooseberries starting to swell

Dwarf French bean wigwam with Climbing French bean and Runner bean 'A' frame

Water butt and strawberry barrel

Monday, 4 May 2015

Planting time early May

Brussel Sprouts

Spring Onions with Leeks behind

The compost heap is filling up nicely with the help of a few bags of horse manure