Saturday, 25 July 2015

Spuds, Peas and Gooseberries

Just over 5lb of potatoes harvested from two of the three growbags.

Hope that the Pink Fir Apple in the other bag are just as plentiful. 

The peas are coming along nicely

2lb of red Gooseberries and over 11lb of green beat the 13oz or so I had last year.
Pruning and protection from birds certainly does the trick.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

After the storm...

After the most spectacular thunderstorm last night, with sheet lightning illuminating the sky in all four directions every couple of seconds followed by torrential rain and hail, I ventured up to the allotment expecting the worst. However, apart from a few broken stems and leaves, it appears to have managed to escape the worst of any damage which was evident in the surrounding gardens and roads.

Broad Beans looking a bit battered and bruised

Strawberries ripening nicely
