Sunday, 15 May 2016


I popped into Old Bridge Nursery in Ilkley yesterday to see what veg or strawberry plants they might have. As I wandered around, I noticed that their fruit trees and soft fruit bushes were much cheaper than anything I'd been able to find online. Not only were they cheaper but they also had three plants which I needed down at the allotment, Firstly a plum 'Oullins Golden Gage', which was a fairly substantial 2-3 year old tree for only £14.00, a thornless Loganberry 'LY654' and a Tayberrry 'Medana. 'Medana' is a recently developed primocane variety meaning that it fruits on this years canes so maintenance is simple, just a chop down to the ground after fruiting. Simple.

Oullins Golden Gage

More apple blossom

Shallots 'Golden Gourmet' and Onions 'Red Baron'

Sunday, 8 May 2016


I had the week off to get the plot into shape for the forthcoming year. The veg bed was dug, weeded and any glass and nails removed. By the end of the week the termperature had risen to 25c which brought all the plants on following the prolonged cold of April.

Raspberries and salad planting

Apple Tree


Gooseberry bushes

Strawberry in flower

 Runner Bean frame                               Asparagus

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Spring 2016

I did not do much over Winter 2015, except clear the veg beds of unused Brussel Sprouts, Kale and Scorzonera. With a little help, I erected the sheds and my new neighbour has started to build a short fence between our plots.
The stuff I stored in the second compost heap has now been moved to the sheds and this has freed it up for its original purpose of making compost.

Giant eight and a half foot coldframe

The fruit is coming into growth following the colder than usual Spring

Broad beans and peas to the left and lettuce, beetroot, spring onions and radishes under the cloches

Five types of potato have been planted in bags; King Edward, Manitou, Nicola, Picasso, Pink Gypsy and Pink Fir Apple